

First of all, let me wish all of you a very happy new year. 2015 is finally here guys! I can’t believe it’s been a year since we welcomed 2014 to take away all our past sorrows and negativity. My new year has started with quite a good note. I hope you have started enjoying this year too.
This post is very special to me as it is officially the 100th post of Cherry On Top. I never imagined it would even be possible for me as I am a super lazy girl. But, I have done it and I am very proud of myself (excuse the narcissism :P). Also, this post is super-special as it’s my first post of this year and also it’s the first post of the month of January. If you guys don’t know then January is the month when the first post of Cherry On Top was published. That means, the blogversary is on its way! Cherry On Top is about to complete 2 years of its journey in this month. Unbelievable! 
Now, let’s get into the announcement- on the special occasion of the 2nd birthday of my blog, I am willing to do a giveaway for you guys. You guys tell me where you want the giveaway to be held- Blog, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. I will take a week’s time to review your opinions and then announce the giveaway where you like. So, flood the comments section with your views. I will talk to you soon! Ciao. 
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