
tips and tricks


Come summers and we all get the tan that not only makes our skin look few shades darker but also causes side effects like uneven skin tone, acne, dark spots, dry skin and signs of premature aging. The idea is to not only keep your skin protected from the harmful sun rays but also going the extra mile by pampering your skin with home remedies that will not only help you get rid of the problems mentioned before but also give you glowing skin and bright complexion.

Wondering how to remove tan the easy way? Here are few beauty tips you can follow and easily try at home using everyday ingredients from your kitchen.

1) Aloe Vera & Lemon Juice Mask

Both aloe vera and lemon juice work wonders when it comes to reducing the effects of tanning on the skin. Aloe is a soothing agent that helps in fighting melanin that darkens the skin cells. Lemon juice, on the other hand, works like an astringent, cleaning the skin from inside thus giving a radiant look on the outside.

How to De-tan Skin at Home Naturally, Tan removal at home, natural tan removal, home remedy for tanned skin | Cherry On Top



  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
  • 3-4 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice


  • In a bowl combine aloe vera gel along with few drops of lemon juice.
  • Gently apply the mix all over the face & neck area & let it dry for at least 20-25 minutes.
  • Wash it off with cold water.
  • Repeat at least thrice a week for desired results.

 2) Lemon & Honey

Wondering how to get brighter skin in summers? Start using lemon and honey. They help rejuvenate the skin, giving it a fresh and blemish-free look. Lemon helps to lighten the skin and honey moisturizes and hydrates it, keeping it soft and moist.

How to De-tan Skin at Home Naturally, Tan removal at home, remove tan naturally, home remedy for tanned skin | Cherry On Top



  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice


  • In a bowl, combine the ingredients.
  • Apply the mask on the face evenly, gently rubbing across the forehead, chin, and cheeks area.
  • Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and wash off with cold water.
  • Repeat daily to reduce the effects of tanning over a period of time.

3) Curd & Tomato Juice

How to De-tan Skin at Home Naturally, Tan removal at home, remove tan naturally, home remedy for tanned skin | Cherry On Top

Both tomato & curd have amazing de tanning properties. They make the skin glow naturally while shielding the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. These ingredients are also rich in antioxidants that help in treating pigmentation & dark spots, provide even skin tone, exfoliate dead cells and make the skin look brighter.


  • Juice of 1 medium-sized tomato
  • 1 tablespoon curd
  • A pinch of turmeric


  • In a bowl, mix the ingredients together and make a smooth paste.
  • Gently massage the mix on the face and other affected area for 5 minutes.
  • Leave it to dry for another 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water.
  • Repeat the process at least thrice a week for radiant & brighter looking skin.

4) Potato, lemon & sugar

Potato is one of the most effective natural ingredients that help in de-tanning of the skin. Mix it with lemon and sugar and an amazing home remedy is ready that will help get rid of dead cells, give your skin an even tone and reveal fresh and smooth skin.


  • One medium potato
  • One tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • One teaspoon granulated sugar


  • In a blender, put a medium sized potato and make a paste. Then add a tablespoon fresh lemon juice and a teaspoon of granulated sugar to it.
  • Apply the mask on the face evenly and scrub gently for at least 10 minutes.
  • Leave it on for another 15-20 minutes before washing off with cold water.
  • Repeat the process at least twice a week for best results.

How to De-tan Skin at Home Naturally, Tan removal at home, remove tan naturally, home remedy for tanned skin | Cherry On Top

For the on-the-go women of today, trying remedies to gremove tan can become slightly more difficult. But that does not mean you should let go of your dream of having glowing and brighter looking skin during summers. Using herbal bleach cream like Fem De-Tan Creme Bleach can just do the trick for you, that too in just 15 minutes. Enriched with the goodness of orange peel extracts, it reduces the effects of sun-tan by giving you radiant and brighter looking skin within minutes.  An effective and safe solution to your tan problems, it’s all you need to step out in the sun confidently. Read more tips for glowing skin on our blog.

Disclaimer: Guest Post

That was it for today’s post. I hope you found this post helpful. Make sure to share it with your family and friends if you did. Pour in your thoughts in the comments. Your comments encourage me a lot! Do subscribe to our Newsletter so that you get notified whenever there is a new post on the blog. Will talk to you in my next post. Till then, be safe & keep smiling! Follow me on FacebookTwitter or Instagram for regular updates and also Subscribe to my YouTube Channel!


I am not blessed with good hair. Congratulations to those who are. Every time I leave my hair open and step outside, it starts to behave in a weird way. I generally travel by public transport(local trains, most of the time) and love the window-seats. No matter how well you’ve applied your hair-spray you can’t avoid hitting by a continuous wave of wild wind and finally turning into a mass of hey or a scarecrow. Whenever I decide to let my hair open I end up changing my mind because it is either too hot outside or I start to feel uncomfortable (I am a bun and ponytail person, guys!). 

Packing my bag for a day, I always forget to pack hair-ties or clips which leads to an absolute mayhem and I come home with a knotty and messy hair. I have recently come across an article on Rewardme, which I felt is wrote for me and lots of others who face the same problem. This article shows five products that can be proved essential if you have a bad hair day. These five things are-

1. Bobby Pins- Bobby pins need no introduction. We all know how victorious is the moment when we find a bobby pin in our purse to grab a rebellious lock of hair. You hair is all over the place or your bun becoming way too messy, don’t worry you have got a saviour, a bobby pin! The article also teaches you the right way to put a bobby pin. 

Source- Ebay

2. Dry Shampoo: Dry shampoos come in handy if you have a oily scalp like mine. My hair starts to get oily from the second day. As soon as it seems oily it seems thin and unhealthy. All you have to do is to keep a travel-sized dry shampoo in you purse, spray it whenever you need it and it will make your hair look fresher and healthier instantly. 

Source- okwow

3. Hairspray: Just as I mentioned earlier, hairsprays (for me, a strong hold is must) are must-have if you have terribly unruly hair like mine. 

Source- dazzlebeautystore

4. Mini-toothbrush: Now, I was completely unaware of this thing. Thanks you Rewardme for this tip! A tooth-brush has manifold usages. You can spray some hairspray onto the brush and use it to tame your baby hairs along the hairline or the frisky flyaways.


5. Clear Ponytail Holders: This one is my favourite among all as I love to do it myself every time I feel uncomfortable with the open hair. It is the easiest way to manage your unruly hair yet look fashionably attractive. Just tie up your hair in a ponytail using clear ponytail holders. 

Source- Etsy

That’s all for this article. I found it really helpful because most of us have to (almost) fight to make our hair look perfect for the day. Somedays your hair behaves well and somedays it is unruly as hell. I hope you guys found the article helpful too. Feel free to share your opinions in the comments. 

“I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”

We all love to shop, especially ladies. Women shop for two reasons- firstly, necessity and lastly, impulsiveness. I consider myself as an impulsive shopper. I know a lot of you would tag yourselves as impulsive shoppers as well. Shopping in impulsion has its own consequences, most important of them being excessive expense. You could literally make a hole in your own pocket. But then there are a few cheat tricks that can keep a tight rein on your expenditure. I, myself, have a few formulas to save as much money as possible from a purchase. Let me share them with you-
1. Make a List: Before leaving for shopping, make a list of the things that you really need. A list won’t allow you to shop for unnecessary items. Sometimes we forget what we needed by the time we reach the shop. A list will remind you about the things you need so that you don’t get lost into the aisles full of alluring stuff. It also saves your valuable time.
2. Bring Cash: After making the list, make an estimate of how much money should be needed for certain purchase. Bring only that amount with you. It will make sure you won’t shop impulsively.
3. Shopping Online: Let it consider the boon of internet, shopping has never been easier than this. Online shopping has cleared the fence between possible and impossible. Shopping international products that you had never thought could be procured to your country, is now as easy as making a smoothie (pardon me for this bizarre comparison). The main reason why I love shopping online is because there are always some sales going on there. You can buy your desired article no matter where you live. Some products that are newly launched and you can’t find it in your area, online shopping is always the solution. Being a small town girl, I know that better than anybody. If you can’t find any deals in-store, you must find one online.
4. Coupons and Discounts: A lot of coupons sites are there that provide discount coupon codes and deals for your online purchase. They offer you some exclusive deals and discounts on several online stores that you might not have found before. You can get great deals on cosmetics, clothing, movie tickets, restaurants and many more. As an instance, if you are looking for exclusive discounts for a specific site, simply search for Online Discount Coupons for the site, and you will be navigated to your desired site and then you can choose your discount coupons as per your requirement.
5. Keep Yourself Focused: Now, this is all up to you. Just concentrate on what your need is and what would be unnecessary for that moment. When it comes to makeup products, we women don’t feel anything is unnecessary. We try to find out excuses like “I don’t have this particular shade of lipstick!” or “All my nail polishes would dry out in a few days!”, but we don’t realize that we are just being impulsive. If you really need to save money then don’t listen to the SA. He/She will tempt you saying “This will look great on you!” or “Buy ‘this’ and ‘that’ along with ‘these’ and you can get a free makeup pouch!”. You just say ‘NO’ because you have already bought what you needed the most. Ignore and make the payment and you will bring a happy wallet with you to home.

I hope these tips will be helpful for you. Try out yourselves and let me know if any of these worked for you or not. Also, if you have some money-saving tricks that you want to share with me, then feel free to write a comment. Be blessed.
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