The best way to manoeuvre in life is to put our best foot forward, at all times, there’s no doubt about it. It may not always be the easiest thing to figure out when deciding what the best next step is going to be, but it’s crucial to an individual’s success that it is actually the best step!
While maneuvering, strategising, and taking action it is essential we take care of ourselves enabling us to step in the right direction efficiently and with ease. One aspect of said care is definitely physicality, we must take care of ourselves physically in order to step in the right direction, which brings us to the topic of podiatry. Whether we are business workers, creative people, or Athletes, what better way to be sure we are stepping correctly than with the help of feet specialists?
Sports Podiatry
Focusing on the athletic side of footwork all sports podiatry should be considered and carried out by professionals who truly know what they are doing. Sports podiatrists specialize in the diagnosis and prevention of foot injuries related to sports along with any other lower limb injuries that may occur from physical activity. By visiting these fitness enthusiast aids you are ensuring your ability to remain performing at your very best. They encompass a wide range of services taking a deep dive into the food, optimizing foot function, biomechanics, and performance in athletes and performers alike. They do it all from the diagnostic side to the preventative care aspect, even implementing performance-enhancing strategies, these feet fanatics are dedicated to helping athletes of all ages and abilities to stay healthy and active.
Blending Style and Self-Care
A massive part of sports and an athlete’s involvement in sports is style. Big companies are quick to sponsor NBA players, Premier League stars, and the big names in the industry. Style being such a big part of sports it is also very important that we include self-care in the mix. Fashion and taking care of ourselves no longer mean personal health in the contemporary world, it is no longer about just having a spa or gym session. Check out the many blogs on fashion and self-care going hand in hand online, read up all about the overall benefits and improvements for an individual, and do yourself a great service.
We are at a time where we can have the best of both worlds self-care and style, live it up looking as fresh and feeling as great as you should!
We all want to look presentable and most times belly fat and muffin tops take a lot away from that. Researchers have denoted that belly fat accumulates fast and it’s always the last to go. Not only does tummy fat suck out all your confidence and sometimes self-esteem, but it is also unhealthy. Doctors have associated cholesterol issues and heart diseases while accumulated fat in our bodies.
As a result, losing weight, especially the belly fat, has become a prevalent concern especially among women. The most disappointing part is that losing the belly fat is never a small deal. You will always come across machines and pills that claim to reduce the tummy fat but doesn’t even help.
Improve your Diet
You can never lose any body fat if all you do is consume junk food and processed food all day every day. The reality is that body you want so badly and that flat tummy you want to target, starts in the kitchen. It matters not how many workout routines you incorporate, as long as your diet is slacked you won’t achieve any results.
You have to make sure that you are eating the right foods. The reality is if you jogged for 30 minutes, then went ahead to have a small order of fries, which is around 400 calories, you will undo your workout in one sitting.
You need to make sure that you toss out the processed food and don’t overeat. Seven days is not a lot of time, so you have to be all hands on deck to make sure that your efforts don’t go to waste. So for the next week, get rid of microwave dinners, potato chips, and avoid fast food joints like the plague.
The chemicals in these foods like colors, flavors, sweeteners, fat, etc. slow down your metabolism by disrupting your biochemistry. The sugars, sodium and simple starches will only keep your tummy looking bloated and beat your efforts.
If you want maximum belly-fat burn in a week, you need to replace the junk food and work quality, whole, organic foods packed with healthy nutrients and not preservatives into your diet.
Have an Active Lifestyle
Well, the good news is, you can lose that tummy fat in a week, the bad news is, you won’t if you are lazy! Being plopped on your chair all day long is not good for you or your belly fat. If you must, look for 5-minute chair workouts you can do at home or in the office.
You should also try and get up and move around in the day. Find suitable workouts that will give you short bursts of energy. You could try taking a brisk walk in the morning before having breakfast. Not only will this make you active, but it will also target your belly fat because researchers have claimed that the morning light undercuts your fat genes and also synchronized your metabolism.
Being active will not only help you shed that tummy fat, but it will also be useful for your heart health. Utilize your mornings and afternoon well by engaging in activities that will give your energy and keep you active.
Besides looking like a panda, lack of sleep also overloads the belly fat. Sleep depreciation releases cortisol which is a stress hormone. This is why you found yourself worried and stressed out when on the verge of insomnia. The importance of sleep for your overall health can’t be insisted upon enough.
Enough sleep plays a huge role in our weight. This is due to the fact that our metabolism controls everything from how the body burns calories to where and when the fat is stored. Metabolism is, therefore, your hormone balance. This means that if you are not getting enough sleep, your body won’t release the required amount of fat burning HGH, and instead release more of the tummy fat stress hormone, that is cortisol.
Lack of sleep also releases Ghrelin which is an appetite enhancing hormone, which makes you want to eat or snack in the middle of the night. You should make sure that you get 8 hours of sleep, in any case, 7 hours will also suffice.
Go to the Gym
People have associated sit-ups and crunches with tummy fat. Will contrary to popular belief, if you want to reduce the belly fat, you need to do exercises that will target your entire body and not just the belly. You need to understand that both the love handles and the belly bulge are about extra body fat and not insufficient muscle.
In as much as you are looking forward to cutting that belly fat in just a week, the sad news is, it is not possible to spot reduce fat. Which is why you need to erase the assumption that abs exercises are the solution. If you want to score a flat tummy, you have to do workouts that will target and burn fat throughout your body.
The perfect example would be the mountain climber exercise. It helps you work out your shoulders, chest, core, triceps and accelerates your heart rate which is optimal for calorie burn.
Cut Off Alcohol
If you love the happy hour, you need to abstain from it completely. You can enjoy a glass of red wine and a little tequila from time to time, but if you want to tone up and cut that belly fat, you need to stay away from alcohol no questions asked.
Alcohol may pave the way fora good time, but when it comes to your weight, it is your ultimate enemy. It releases estrogen into your bloodstream, and the excess estrogen makes you more prone to adding and holding on to weight.
Alcohol also stimulates your appetite, lowers your inhibitions and decreases your willpower. This is why you find yourself ordering fries at 3 a.m. if you want to look your best in 7 days, then you shouldn’t go near alcohol. If you are already addicted then you should check out Recovery Village Resources Colorado Springs.
Disclaimer: Guest Post
That was it for today’s post. I hope you found this post helpful. Make sure to share it with your family and friends if you did. Pour in your thoughts in the comments. Your comments encourage me a lot! Do subscribe to our Newsletter so that you get notified whenever there is a new post on the blog. Will talk to you in my next post. Till then, be safe & keep smiling! Follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for regular updates and also Subscribe to my YouTube Channel!
While packing our bags we always make sure we have packed our wallet, mobile phone, chargers etc but what you often tend to forget is a bottle of hand sanitizer. With the increasing awareness of hygiene, the use of hand sanitizers has increased over the past few years. Everybody is now quite aware of the fact that to be healthy, you need to maintain some basic hygienic practice.
Being Indian, I find it very crucial to clean your hands before you eat your food because almost every Indian prefers to eat with their hands and I am not an exception. Not always you’ll find water around you to clean your hands, especially while travelling. I find it really gross to wash your hands with the water from a bottle through the windows of a bus or train. That is a complete no-no.
Not only for cleaning your hands, hand sanitizers, in general, have a lot of other usages. Here, I have listed all the usual and unusual uses of a hand sanitizer-
To clean your hands (the most common use!)
To sanitize your makeup palettes and brushes.
To disinfect your fingers before applying makeup.
To disinfect your makeup closet or desk.
To clean your spectacles or sunglasses.
To wipe off your fingerprints from different surfaces.
To clean spots on your car seat.
>>Did you know all these?
A hand sanitizer is a must in your kids’ school bag. Children are the most prone to catch infections and most of them they get from school. Now, you cannot control your child’s movements but you can make sure that they don’t bring the germs home with them. It’s better to start a healthy habit from childhood. Teach them the importance of hand sanitizers. It’s most likely for them to not understand but still, you can help them grow a habit of cleaning their hands with sanitizers before eating. In this way, you can pass on the baton of healthy living.
There are a plenty of hand sanitizers available in the market but you have to make sure you pick up the right one. Most of us don’t know that a sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol which is considered to be the ideal amount to kill germs. Make sure to check the amount of alcohol present in your sanitizer before buying. Kleanse Pocketbac Advanced Instant Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer contains 65% Ethyl Alcohol which is claimed to kill 99.9% germs. It is a 30ml bottle that is easy to fit in your luggage or your purse. It also comes with a silicon Pikachu holder which is really cute and it helps in attaching the sanitizer to your handbag, backpack or even to your key chains. The design is very attractive to children, they will never wish to lose it.
The formula of this sanitizer is very light, it gets absorbed to your skin very fast leaving them hydrated yet non-greasy. This also has floating Vitamin E granules that take care of your skin. The fragrance of the Cinnamon Muffins variant is a subtle cinnamon fragrance which fades off after a few minutes. It does not smell alcoholic at all. Kleanse Pocketbac Advanced Instant Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer comes in 3 more variants- Red Guava, Vanilla Kiss and Water Melon.
The claims-
1. Easy to kill 99.9% of germs when you’re on-the-go.
2. Attached to your bag pack & purse.
3. It is a rinse-free and a non-sticky solution.
4. Allowed in the aeroplane.
Kleanse Pocketbac Advanced Instant Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer comes for Rs 239/-
That was it for today’s post. I hope you found this post helpful. Make sure to share it with your family and friends if you did. Pour in your thoughts in the comments. Your comments encourage me a lot! Do subscribe to our Newsletter so that you get notified whenever there is a new post on the blog. Will talk to you in my next post. Till then, be safe & keep smiling! Follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for regular updates. Add me on Snapchat for more fun and a sneak-peek of my life.
Pregnancy is a life changing experience for women as they take up the responsibility of a brand-new human being wholly dependent on them, but it also comes with a lot of physical, mental and emotional stress. One of the major worries that an expectant mother carries is related to the change that their bodies have gone through and the excess weight that they have gained. Weight gain during pregnancy is very common but new mothers need not waste their precious energies on worrying about this because they can surely manage this with some simple habits.
If you started out your pregnancy with an average weight and then gained around 23-35 pounds then it won’t be too hard to lose that extra weight once you have delivered. Your body will naturally work towards normalising its functions and weight and all you have to do is manage a healthy lifestyle which is not only important to get into shape but also for your general health and for the baby. Remember, when you follow these essential steps to regain the pre-baby body, that it took 9 months for all that weight to accumulate so give it at least 3-6 months’ time and don’t push you too hard or try to follow the footsteps of a celebrity.
Avoid Dieting and instead, eat healthily: Dieting with the stress of taking care of the baby and managing other domestic chores can be counterproductive when it comes to getting back into a fit body as being deprived of your favourite foods can indicate your system to retain fat instead of using it up for energy. It’s better instead if you alter your eating habits towards a healthy well-balanced diet keeping in tune with your hunger and cravings. A good diet not just gives you the nutrition you and the baby need but it will also lead you naturally to a beautiful figure so watch what you eat especially when it comes to unhealthy junk foods. Have healthy snacks around which you can munch on and garnish healthy sides like salads or fruit bowls with delicious garnishes like olive oil or lemon juice to make them more appetising.
Don’t refrain from breast feeding. One of the body’s natural functions post-delivery is breast feeding because the body knows that there is a baby that needs food. Breast feeding also greatly benefits the mom by helping her release the accumulated energy and fat which was needed for the support of the baby through milk production. Your body will burn calories to make the milk every time you nurse. So along with feeding your baby, you will also be losing weight. Stay away from stressful exercising, dieting or skipping meals as it can release harmful toxins in the milk which may harm your baby’s health.
Move your body: Women who had an uncomplicated vaginal pregnancy should be able to safely exercise after a few days of delivering the baby whereas C section mothers or mothers who had a complicated delivery should consult their doctors to know when and how should they exercise. Cardio and strength building exercises are the best after pregnancy as they will burn calories and support your weakened abdominal muscles. Just make sure that all exercises you do are mild to moderate in the first few weeks.
Get rest: Make sure you get the rest you need and that you are sleeping enough. Not only has your body gone through a tough biological process but you have countless daily responsibilities to take care of. A lack of rest or sleep will wear you down and impact your health. When you aren’t properly rested you will not have the desire to exercise or eat healthy either as our stress hormones lead us towards sugary and fatty diets. Studies have also shown that mothers who get less than five hours of sleep a night are less likely to quickly shed off their pregnancy body weight than those who sleep seven hours. It may be hard to get a full seven hours of sleep altogether but not when it’s in naps, so adjust your schedule a bit and sneak in some sleep along when your little one sleeps.
Try natural weight loss remedies: There are many natural remedies which are known for their positive results and great medicinal and health benefits. One of these is drinking apple cider vinegar in hot water two or three times a day to promote better digestion and fat reduction. Another such remedy is lime and honey water which also naturally aids in burning fat. Many more natural substances that help in weight loss can be found online which are safe and usually come with other benefits.
Hydrate: Drinking enough water is the most important when you have a weight to keep under control and a wailing baby to tend to, because not only does water keep you feeling full but it also gives you vitality and moisture that each cell of your body needs. WebMD also writes that some research has shown that water increases the body’s metabolic system. Use the colour of your urine as a guide to knowing if you are drinking enough water. A healthy amount would be one where the colour of the urine is near to clear and when a person needs to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours.
That was it for today’s post. I hope you found this post helpful. Make sure to share it with your family and friends if you did. Pour in your thoughts in the comments. Your comments encourage me a lot! Do subscribe to our Newsletter so that you get notified whenever there is a new post on the blog. Will talk to you in my next post. Till then, be safe & keep smiling! Follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for regular updates. Add me on Snapchat for more fun and a sneak-peek of my life.
A blogger’s job isn’t as easy as it seems, especially that of a fashion and beauty blogger. It’s not as perfect as it seems on social media. Behind every Instagram post, there is a lot of hard work, stress, and anxiety. If you are a fashion blogger, you cannot limit your creativity just by posing in pretty clothes. There is a lot more effort that goes in. One such obstacle is finding the perfect location. Finding a good location for the photoshoot is not necessary to become a successful fashion blogger, but it is important if you want your readers to get a visual reminder of your work. It also gives a nice element to your photos, makes them unique and ensures people never get bored of them.
Every serious fashion blogger is always looking for different locations for different posts and believe me, it’s a struggle. I have recently started to take my work more seriously and decided to shoot on a different location, ditching my terrace. On the very first day of the quest, I could completely realize the struggle.
Amit (in case you didn’t know – he’s my boyfriend) and I recently decided to try out some different locations for my photos. It was an extremely hot day and we were out on a journey that had no destination. We were almost midway when I felt a little lightheaded because of the heat. Thank god, Amit had brought along a few bottles of the new 7UP Revive with him. A few sips of that helped me freshen myself up and I felt better.
After two long hours of hunting, we found a few good locations. That two hours in the scorching heat took out every last ounce of my energy. I felt like sitting there on the ground no matter if I looked like a madcap or not. That’s the time when 7UP Revive came to my rescue again. Gosh, what would I have done without it!
Next up was an ATM stop, as we needed cash since our favourite café doesn’t accept cards. I do wish they become a little up-to-date! That day, the ATM was overcrowded and we had to wait outside for about 15-20 minutes. We stood in the sun while the heat baked us again. We looked for trees to take refuge under but failed. People, do not cut trees down! PLEASE. Amit was all sweaty and hot (and not in a flattering way!) when Captain 7UP Revive was back on duty! This drink is a saviour!
We have been loving 7UP Revive ever since we tried it during one of our movie dates. The cafeteria at the theater stocked them. Since then, we have never bought any other beverage at the movies. I personally hate carbonated drinks, so it took me no time at all to fall in love with 7UP Revive. It tastes delicious and contains Vitamins B3, B6, and B12 that play an important role in energy metabolism. It also helps replenish essential electrolytes that our body loses when perspiring too much.
Overall, I think it is a great drink for summers. If you are carrying a bottle of 7UP Revive, you are sorted for the day. I would highly recommend everyone to try this drink at least it once!
That was it for today’s post. I hope you found this post helpful. Make sure to share it with your family and friends if you did. Pour in your thoughts in the comments. Your comments encourage me a lot! Do subscribe to our Newsletter so that you get notified whenever there is a new post on the blog. Will talk to you in my next post. Till then, be safe & keep smiling! Follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for regular updates. Add me on Snapchat for more fun and a sneak-peek of my life.
Disclaimer: Sponsored but the views expressed are my own.
Three things that I have always (not so) secretly desired are a perfect matte red lipstick within budget, a wallet that never gets empty and a packet of healthy chips. Well, although I am still on a hunt for the first two but I have finally found the latter.
Recently, when my sister and I hosted a party at our place we though we should do something adventurous with the snacking option. As both of us were busy studying the entire day, we rejected the idea of cooking snacks ourselves and instead we thought of serving Terra Chips to our guests. I had heard a lot about this brand before and I did not want to miss this opportunity to try them.
We had three variants of Terra Chips- Original, Mediterranean Sea Salt and Blue Potato. We chose three different dips for our chips.
We served it at the beginning of the party and our girls loved them. Two batches were finished in minutes. It was that good. Generally people don’t like to stuff themselves with food at the beginning of a party, especially if it is chips or something fried. But, Terra Chips are not just chips, they are gourmet snacks with less oil and spice which is healthy and comforting.
At the end of the party, my friends said that they had never eaten something like it before. Our party-starter was a hit. I am quite sure Terra Chips would be a part of every party we will be attending after that party.
About Terra
Terra is a brand of chips that is famous across the globe for their exotic flavours and ingredients. If there is anything called a luxury snacks brand, that definitely has to be Terra. TERRA is a brainchild of two New York-based chefs Dana Sinkler and Alex Dzieduszycki. This brand is famous for its gourmet snacking.
How is Terra Different from Others
Not typical to other brands, Terra is quite distinguishable from its packaging to taste. Terra chips are made with real vegetables. The exotic vegetables like Taro, Candy-striped beet, Blue potato, Batata, Yuca etc. are some of the main ingredients of these chips. Terra chips are a blend of these real, whole vegetables with mouth-watering flavours. These chips are not only a good blend of flavours but also a blend of vibrant colours. The crunch, the taste will definitely take you on an exotic culinary journey.
My Experience with Terra Chips
When I received this beautiful black box with three variants of Terra chips, I was overjoyed. Firstly, I love healthy snacking (I should eat healthier though) and lastly because I had heard a lot of good things about this brand. I received the three variants, namely- Mediterranean Herbs and A Hint of Lemon, Original Sea Salt, and Blues Sea Salt. All of them tasted quite good. The Mediterranean and Original ones are made of Parsnip, Taro, Sweet Potato, Yuca and Batata and Blues is made of naturally blue potatoes. Among all three of them, Blues is my most favourite one. All these variants have the goodness real veggies in them and the veggies are non-GMO which means they are not genetically modified. In one word, they are wholesome. The flavours are fresh, really crunchy and less oily. It gives you a feeling as you are eating something healthy. These are also great as party starters when you serve the perfect assortment of snacks that is a treat to both your tongue and your eyes.
I would recommend you guys try at least a bag of this and try it out yourself. TERRA chips are available online on Amazon or you can buy them from your nearest Godrej Nature’s Basket store. I hope you guys found this review helpful. Don’t forget to comment and share if you did. See you in my next post. Till then, be safe & keep smiling!
Hi, guys! Today I am going to write about something that I have been wanting to share with you for the past few weeks. Today, I’ll be reviewing a special green tea named 6X Green Tea by the Four Fountains Labs. Four Fountains Labs is founded by Four Fountains De-stress Spa. Remember my first spa session? It was at the Four Fountains De-stress Spa. It’s a pleasure to write about their new venture.
If you follow me on my social media platforms, you might know that I am a huge tea lover! I can’t think about starting my day without a cup of tea. I prefer a cup of hot green tea without sugar. It gives me such a good feeling from within. I feel light the entire day and also it provides me with a lot of energy and some sort of comfort. It makes me feel I am doing something really good for my body.
I never tried any exotic flavours when it came to green tea. I am always comfortable with my regular green tea without any added flavour. But, when I got to know about the 6X Green Tea, I knew I have to try it. Firstly, I have a certain kind of both green tea and Four Fountains De-stress Spa and secondly, this particular green tea is formulated with six times higher antioxidants compared to a regular green tea. 6X Green Tea comes with the right amount of antioxidants that your body required to neutralise the free radical’s effect. This green tea is absolutely caffeine free thus making it much healthier. These products have been formulated by Dr. Ezhil Arasan who happens to be an ex-Dr. Reddy’s Research Scientist. Sounds great, eh?
The 6X Green Tea comes in sachets and the product is a ready-to-mix powder. You just have to mix it with a glassful of hot water and you are done! 1 box of 6X Green Tea comes with 30 sachets which enough good for at least a month.
Benefits of 6X Green Tea-
Fights the harmful free radicals that damage body cells. This helps in reducing ageing, wrinkles and white hair.
Quenches oxidative stress and thus helps in detoxification.
Shown to be the value for healthy metabolism and fat reduction in the body. The antioxidants present in 6X Green Tea boost metabolism and help in weight loss.
Prevents diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity.
I have been drinking this tea of the past few weeks. I love having it in the mornings because it takes care of my metabolism and requirement of antioxidants for the rest of the day. If you haven’t switched over to green tea yet, this might be the perfect way to start. Try having it at least once a day and you’ll feel the difference yourself. It also tastes good so there is no reason for me to hate it. I really love my tea sessions with this 6X Green Tea. These are available at their website and all the Four Fountains De-stress Spa branches. They are launching these on Amazon and Godrej Nature’s Basket very soon.
I hope you found this review helpful. If you did then please do share this post with your friends and family. Also, don’t forget to enter my ongoing giveaway (refer to the previous post). Until next time, be safe & keep smiling!
Disclaimer: Products sent by the brand in exchange for an honest review.