
learning basic manners


Parents should always take the lead in teaching basic courtesies and manners to their children. This is a must in order to ensure holistic development and growth of their little ones while also making sure that children learn how to speak, behave and respond in the outside world without ruffling unnecessary feathers in a manner of speaking! A well-behaved, cultured, and well-groomed child will always be a positive reflection on his/her parents, indicating the knowledge and grooming that he/she has received at home. At the same time, it is important to encourage children to develop a well-rounded personality and perspective. Encourage kids to make new friends and pick up social skills. They will find more friends through participation in fun activities for kids online. Yellow Class is the best place for these fun activities online where they can learn new skills, make new friends, and find an outlet for creative and imaginative expression. 

Parents should start young with their children in order to help them develop manners for a lifetime. Training can start as soon as the child starts talking and can assume more intensity with progress in age and more interaction and exposure to the outside world. Etiquette can be taught early on to children. Teach them to say thank you and please whenever they get something or ask for something respectively. When the child sits at the dining table for meals, then you can start by teaching him/her dining etiquette and manners. Children should be encouraged to go for family meals so that they understand how to behave from an early age. Teach children to be respectful and understanding at all times while being kind and patient with people as well. Considering pre-reading classes may help your child grow these manners faster.

Here are some basic commandments- 

  • Etiquette or manners are always meant to show kindness or respect to others. 
  • Thank you, excuse me and please are must-haves in the etiquette dictionary. 
  • It is important to learn how to hold cutlery properly. 
  • Children should learn how to wipe their mouths properly with the help of a napkin. 
  • They should also learn to chew with their mouth closed. 
  • They should be able to introduce themselves respectfully to others and also introduce other people including their family members. 
  • They should learn how to invite people to something. 
  • They should learn to be aware of positive body language and showing the same. 
  • They should not interrupt adults while they are speaking to others. 
  • They should learn that it is bad manners to comment on anybody’s appearance. 
  • Learning how to pay compliments is also essential. 
  • Writing thank you letters is a good practice that parents may encourage. 
  • Children should learn the most important etiquette rule of all helping people who are in need. 
  • They should not call adults by their first names unless instructed by the adult in question. 
  • They should knock on doors before opening the same. 
  • They should politely answer phone calls. 
  • They should always make eye contact when speaking to someone else. 
  • They should refrain from staring or pointing in any scenario. 
  • They should cover their mouth while coughing or sneezing. 

These are some basics that children would do well to absorb and follow. 

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