
Namyaa review


Hi, guys! Hope you all are safe and doing great. I am back with another post and today it is all about reducing the extra kilos that most of us must have put due to the lack of opportunities to work out while a lot of us were working from home, sitting at one place for hours during the lockdown and unlock period. I have such a body type that even if I gain one kilo of weight, it is going to get added to either my waist or in my butt. To be very honest, a well-toned lower body, if not slimmer, is something I really like for myself. Today, I will share some tips that have helped me and I am sure would help you as well to shed those bulges from your lower body.

Weight gain is something that happens way before you start to realize it. Each woman has a different body type and body shape, but one thing in common with every woman out there. Women generally tend to gain more weight in their lower portion or back portion of the body compared to the upper portion. Once you start forming bulges in the mentioned areas, it is very difficult to reduce them. It takes months of strenuous exercises and following a healthy diet. Only then you can win the war against it.

The few things that I will be mentioning might sound cliched but if you strictly and religiously follow them, you will definitely start noticing the change. Here is the list of ways that you can consider if you are trying to lose weight from your buttocks.


Regular exercising irreplaceable when it comes to reducing lower body fat. It might take time, but this is the most effective and safest way of reducing those extra kilos. There are a bunch of effective exercises that are proven to work for losing weight while toning your body. You can do squats which are known to give you your dream booty, or you can try out various yogasanas (advised to do under professional guidance). Lunges, burpees, and side leg raise, and many others are really fruitful for achieving a firmer lower body.


This is I think is the most underrated way of losing weight. People nowadays spend money on hi-tech machines or well-equipped gyms but nobody pays attention to the benefits of brisk walking. You don’t need a treadmill, nor do you need to go to a jogger’s park. At least 30 minutes of brisk walking on your terrace could help you burn that stubborn fat. Apart from losing weight, regular walking helps you with your appetite and fight many diseases as well.


One of the most crucial things that directly impact your weight loss or gain is your food habit. Healthy eating is more important than eating less. You don’t need to skip your meals, rather keep eating in an interval of 3-4 hours. This will boost your metabolism and help you lose weight rather than fasting. You must stop eating junk and processed food. That not only increase your waistline but also affect your immunity. I am not saying you should eat only salads, just eat everything in the right quantity. Avoid sugar and fried food and include as many green veggies in your diet as possible. Calculate your calory intake as per your everyday diet and follow a routine of eating well and eating in time.


Apart from the above pointers, there are also some ways that you can consider to get a firm and toned butt and thighs. Namyaa Brazilian Bum Cream is such a revolutionary product that helps you achieve a firm, well-toned and voluminous booty. This is a very effective cream that lifts and plumps your lower body with regular use and gives you smooth bum skin. With regular use, it improves the contours and curves of your bum which is a boon for flat butts. Formulated with the natural goodness of Chamomile, Nutmeg, Macadamia seed oil, etc., this exceptional booty lift cream is free from any kind of harsh metals, harmful chemicals, pesticides, synthetic fragrances, artificial colours, fertilizers, or any kind of harmful additives.

Namyaa Brazilian Bum Cream | Cherry On Top Blog

One more option that you can try out in case you hardly have the time to work out but look forward to having a great bum is the Namyaa Brazilian Bum Cream. This one helps you get a fuller, plumper bum that is smooth in texture. This Cream is very easy to use and effective at the same time. If you are wondering how to apply bum cream, here’s how to use it:

  • Take the required amount of the cream on your palms and apply it over your butts.
  • Gently massage the area for a couple of minutes till the cream gets completed absorbed. Allow it to dry for some time.
  • Repeat the process twice a day, once in the morning and once at night before going to bed for the maximum of benefits. For best results, use it twice a day daily for a span of at least 6 weeks.
  • The best part is Namyaa Bum cream contains caffeine that helps to cut down the cellulite naturally without any side-effects.

The product has a luxurious, rich look as it comes in a sleek white bottle and a silver cap. This is easily available on Flipkart or Amazon. It is originally priced at Rs. 1200/- but you can always get it on discounts online for Rs. 599/-. Just like the other Namyaa feminine care product that I have reviewed before, this one is also effective.

That’s it for today’s post. I hope you found this article helpful. Make sure to share it with your friends and family if you did. Your comments encourage me a lot. So, pour in your thoughts in the comments. Subscribe to our Newsletter so that you get notified whenever there is a new post on the blog! Will talk to you in my next post. Till then, be happy and keep smiling! Follow me on FacebookInstagram & Twitter and also Subscribe to my YouTube channel for beauty & fashion-related videos and vlogs.































The current COVID-19 situation and the lockdown stress has severely impacted on our health, both mental and physical. One of the biggest problems is the mental stress that the prolonged lockdown and home quarantine has caused. The change in lifestyle during COVID and the continuous stress caused by it has taken a toll on our health. Along with many other health problems, one of the most frequent ones is the complaint of the irregular period in women.

A delayed or irregular period is quite common in women who are stressed, have a busy schedule or unhealthy lifestyle. This whole lockdown phase has made it even worse. Most of us (about 70% of women) are having irregular cycles, worst cramps and what not! Apart from a healthy diet and exercise or yoga, we need some extra TLC to treat that and to bring back our menstrual health on track. Namyaa has come up with their Period Care Kit which exactly does the same.

A renowned all-natural Indian intimate care brand, Namyaa, has now has introduced a period care kit containing three products that treat Anartava (Amenorrhea) which is a condition of one or more missed periods, smelly discharge, PCOD & PCOS. I will be discussing each of the three products and their benefits in this post.

Namyaa Period Care Kit-

  • Namyaa Anartava -For Delayed and Irregular Periods 500ml
  • Namyaa ShwetKanika -For White Discharge- Pack of 60 Tablets
  • Namyaa Aarthava Kshaya- For PCOD and PCOS- Pack of 60 Tablets

Namyaa Anartava– For Delayed and Irregular Periods

Anartava or Amenorrhea is quite common in women. It is basically a condition where women don’t get their periods once or more. There might be multiple reasons for Amenorrhea- Polycystic ovary syndrome and ovarian failure, hormonal problem, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, tumour in the pituitary gland, stressed life etc. Namyaa Anartava works for all these and more. It helps regularise your delayed or irregular cycles, that too naturally.

Key Features of Namyaa Anartava-

  • Is an exclusive Ayurvedic syrup that is here to treat Anartava (Amenorrhea) as part of the Ayurvedic principles of Stree Roga Chikitsa.
  • Makes for a long-lasting solution for delayed periods and helps regularise the period cycle and flow every month while pacifying Vata and Kapha.
  • Free from any kind of dangerous chemicals, harsh metals, fertilizers, pesticides, artificial fragrance and any kind of added synthetics or other additives.
  • Not only helps restore the natural menstrual cycle to 28-31 days, but also helps promote timely ovulation, treats hormonal imbalance, and removes toxins as it helps provide for blood purification.


Aloe Vera, Pippali, Karanja, Krishna-Tila, Kultha and other rare and certified beneficial herbs and extracts.

How to Use-

This needs to be consumed in a particular manner for the right use of the product. All you need to do is, take 20ml serving of Namyaa Anartava every day after breakfast and dinner respectively. For best results, you need to take this Ayurvedic syrup daily for a span of 90 days for the maximum of benefits.

Price- Rs 499 for 500ml
Available on- Flipkart, Amazon

Namyaa ShwetKanika -For White Discharge

Vaginal white discharge is also another common problem in women. This is majorly caused by a reaction of an organism that is responsible for the cleaning and protection of your vaginal cavity and intimate area in particular. Apart from this, the white discharge could be a result of so many serious diseases such as-Ovarian cyst, Cancer, Bacterial infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea that mainly occurs due to unprotected sexual contact, Vaginal Atrophy, Certain single-celled parasites that happen to be transmitted during unprotected sex as they are known to cause Trichomoniasis, Candida, Pathologies that have happened in the cervix.

A prolonged condition of white discharge could a lot of health hazards like Thickening of the secretion, itching, burning, change in the colour and smell, stomach pain, pain during intercourse, pain during urination, dark urine or occurrence of blood in it, fever, fatigue, etc.

So, it is extremely important to take care of that and get rid of the problem as soon as it appears.

Namayaa ShwetKanika is such a product that helps you treat the problem of white discharge by tackling the root cause of it. Here are the key benefits-

Key Features of Namyaa ShwetKanika-

  • Treats the root cause of smelly white discharge.
  • Provides relief from vaginal itching and burning sensations.
  • Eliminates unwanted odour.
  • Promotes timely ovulation.


Contains the goodness of Ayurvedic herbs and extracts like, Ashoka, Daruharidra, Guduchi, Jeereka, Lodhra, etc.

How to Use-

You need to take 2 tablets of ‘Namyaa ShwetKanika -For White Discharge’ after breakfast and dinner every day. For best results, you need to take this Ayurvedic regime daily for a span of 90 days for the maximum of benefits.

You can see the results in a few days.

Price- Rs 449 for 60 tablets
Available on- Flipkart, Amazon

Namyaa Aarthava Kshaya– For PCOD and PCOS

PCOD and PCOS are one of the most common problems in today’s women. A study, according to The Hindu, says, one in every five women in India suffers from PCOS. This syndrome is commonly found in around 70% of the women belonging to different age groups who have ovulation difficulties and this leads to subfertility. PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is a condition where there are cysts in the ovaries that hampers the normal functioning of the ovaries.

  • The most common symptoms of PCOS are-
  • Irregular menstruation or Amenorrhea
  • Infrequent bleeding
  • Irregular or no ovulation
  • Increased levels of male hormones
  • Multiple immature follicles
  • Thinning hair or male pattern baldness
  • Acne problem or oily skin’
  • Excess growth in facial or body hair
  • Dark patches on the skin especially on the underarms, neck and private parts
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Increased weight or obesity
  • Lipid abnormalities
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure etc.

Namyaa Aarthava Kshaya helps with PCOD and PCOS as Ayurvedic treatment. It treats hormonal imbalance, promotes timely ovulation and regularizes delayed or irregular period.

Key Benefits of Namyaa Aarthava Kshaya-

Helps treat the root cause of PCOD and PCOS as part of the Ayurvedic principles of Stree Roga Chikitsa.

Can restore hormonal balance, but also restores doshas imbalance, purifies the blood, improves fertility and immunity.

Promotes timely ovulation which regulates delayed and irregular periods and helps improve the metabolism by eliminating the toxins (Ama) that are known to reduce the rate of metabolism.

Free from any kind of dangerous chemicals, harsh metals, pesticides, artificial fragrance, fertilizers, synthetics and any kind of added synthetics.


Specially formulated with rare and certified Ayurvedic herbs, extracts and oils like Sahastravedi, Pippali, Neem, Aloe Vera, Varuna, Kultha, Kanchnar etc.

How to Use-

Namyaa Aarthava Kshaya, for PCOD and PCOS, need to be consumed in a particular manner for the product’s right use. You need to take 2 tablets daily, you can take one after breakfast and one after dinner. You have to follow this routine for 6 months for maximum benefits and best results.

Price- Rs 449 for 60 tablets
Available on- Flipkart, Amazon

Namyaa Period Care Kit could be your first choice for all your period related problems if you are particularly looking for a natural, Ayurvedic way to treat your menstrual woes. The products are 100% natural, safe to consume and has absolutely no side effects.

That’s it for today’s post. I hope you found this article helpful. Make sure to share it with your friends and family if you did. Your comments encourage me a lot. So, pour in your thoughts in the comments. Subscribe to our Newsletter so that you get notified whenever there is a new post on the blog! Will talk to you in my next post. Till then, be happy and keep smiling! Follow me on FacebookInstagram & Twitter and also Subscribe to my YouTube channel for beauty & fashion related videos and vlogs.

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